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Boosting CLTV: 11 Strategies to Increase Customer Lifetime Value for Your Shopify Store

September 12, 2024

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Customer Lifetime Value is a critical metric for any eCommerce business, especially for Shopify store owners. CLTV refers to the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their relationship. A higher CLTV means customers are more loyal and spend more over time, making it easier for businesses to grow sustainably without relying solely on new customer acquisition.

In this blog, we’ll explore effective strategies to increase CLTV for your Shopify store, what apps will help you get there and 

Why CLTV Matters for Your Shopify Store

Before diving into specific strategies, it’s important to understand why CLTV is so important. While acquiring new customers is essential, it’s often more costly than retaining existing ones. In the popular sitcom The Office, Ryan says that it is 10 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one (there might be a lot of truth in this statement). Additionally, loyal customers are more likely to refer new business, making them valuable advocates for your brand.

By increasing CLTV, you not only boost revenue but also reduce reliance on customer acquisition, which can help lower your overall marketing costs. A higher CLTV allows for more flexibility in your marketing strategies, including investing in loyalty programs, premium products, or even higher-end customer service experiences.

1. Implement Subscription Plans

One of the most effective ways to increase CLTV is by implementing subscription plans. Subscription models create predictable, recurring revenue streams, keeping customers coming back without requiring them to make a conscious buying decision each time. For example, subscription boxes, memberships, or recurring product deliveries (e.g., for consumables like coffee, skincare, or supplements) can lock in customers for extended periods.

For Shopify store owners, setting up subscriptions is easier than ever with apps like Loop Subscriptions. Offering a subscription service can lead to higher customer retention rates, as customers appreciate the convenience of automatic deliveries and discounted rates for subscribing.

2. Upsell and Cross-sell

Upselling and cross-selling are excellent ways to increase both average order value (AOV) and CLTV. When a customer adds an item to their cart, you can offer them an upgrade or a premium version of that product (upselling). Cross-selling involves recommending complementary products that go well with the item in their cart.

There are many Shopify apps that can automate this process for you, making it seamless for customers and easy for you to manage.

Additionally, when done correctly, upselling and cross-selling don't feel intrusive to the customer. Instead, they can enhance the shopping experience by helping customers discover products they didn’t know they needed.

3. Build a Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs are another excellent tool for increasing CLTV. A well-designed loyalty program incentivizes customers to make repeat purchases by offering rewards such as discounts, points, or exclusive products. The more a customer buys, the more rewards they earn, encouraging continued engagement with your store.

Shopify apps like LoyaltyLion can help you create and manage a loyalty program. These programs often work by awarding points for every dollar spent, with the points redeemable for discounts or other rewards. You can also offer points for non-purchase actions, such as leaving product reviews, following your social media accounts, or referring friends.

increase cltv with loyalty program

Check out Loyalty Lion to find out more about their loyalty management offerings.

Loyalty programs not only boost retention but also foster a deeper emotional connection between the customer and your brand. This connection can make customers more likely to recommend your store to others, further increasing your CLTV through word-of-mouth marketing.

4. Email Marketing and Retargeting

Effective email marketing and retargeting campaigns are essential for maintaining customer engagement after their initial purchase. Email marketing helps keep your brand top-of-mind by offering personalized recommendations, product updates, and special promotions based on a customer’s past purchases.

For example, if a customer buys skincare products, you can send them an email promoting complementary products like moisturizers or serums. Segmenting your email list based on purchase behavior ensures that your messages are relevant and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.

increase cltv with email marketing and retargeting

Sendlane is a leading email platform that helps you personalise your campaigns, and give data backed insights

Retargeting ads, on the other hand, are useful for bringing back customers who have visited your store but haven’t made a purchase in a while. These ads can be served on social media platforms or through Google Ads, reminding them of the products they viewed and encouraging them to return.

Using email marketing and retargeting in tandem can significantly boost CLTV by encouraging customers to make repeat purchases.

5. Improve Your Post-Purchase Experience

The customer journey doesn’t end once they’ve made a purchase. Improving the post-purchase experience is a crucial step in encouraging repeat business. Consider how you can follow up with customers after they buy from you:

  • Order Confirmation & Thank You Emails: Send immediate emails thanking them for their purchase and providing clear shipping details.
  • Follow-up Emails: A week or two after they’ve received their product, send an email asking for a review or suggesting complementary products.
  • Remarketing: Use your post-purchase data to remarket products related to their recent purchase.

Additionally, creating a memorable unboxing experience can leave a lasting impression on your customers. Small touches like branded packaging, thank-you notes, or free samples can turn a regular purchase into a delightful experience, increasing the likelihood of future purchases.

6. Introduce Tiered Discounts

Offering tiered discounts is a great way to encourage customers to spend more during each transaction. For example, you could offer 10% off for orders over $50, 15% off for orders over $100, and 20% off for orders over $200. This encourages customers to add more items to their cart to unlock the next discount tier.

Tiered discounts not only increase the average order value (AOV) but also give customers an incentive to return for future purchases. Shopify apps can help you set up and manage tiered discount campaigns with ease - check the best apps for discounting here 

7. Leverage Customer Data for Personalization

Personalizing the customer experience is key to increasing CLTV. By leveraging customer data, you can offer personalized product recommendations, promotions, and content based on their preferences and past purchases.

Tools like Klaviyo allow Shopify store owners to send personalized email campaigns and create tailored on-site experiences. For example, you can display recommended products based on what a customer has purchased before or offer a personalized discount based on their shopping history.

Personalization helps create a more engaging and relevant shopping experience, which can lead to higher conversion rates and increased CLTV.

8. Offer Excellent Customer Service

A seamless customer experience is essential for fostering loyalty. This includes fast shipping, easy returns, and responsive customer support. Customers who have a positive experience are more likely to return for future purchases.

Shopify apps like Gorgias can help streamline customer support by integrating all communication channels into one platform, allowing you to respond to customer inquiries quickly and efficiently. Excellent customer service can turn a one-time buyer into a loyal, repeat customer, boosting your CLTV over time.

9. Optimize Your Website for Mobile and User Experience

A smooth and intuitive shopping experience is essential for keeping customers engaged and encouraging repeat purchases. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and offers a seamless checkout process. According to studies, 53% of mobile users will leave a website that takes longer than three seconds to load. That means even minor delays or poor usability can lead to missed opportunities for sales.

Consider using Shopify themes optimized for performance, and regularly test your site's speed and user experience. Also, simplifying your checkout process by offering options like guest checkout or auto-filling forms can reduce cart abandonment rates and encourage customers to complete their purchases.

10. Build Trust with Social Proof and Reviews

Customers are more likely to make repeat purchases when they trust your brand. Incorporating social proof, such as customer reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content, helps build credibility.

You can use apps like Yotpo to collect and display customer reviews on your product pages. Additionally, highlighting real customer stories or featuring their photos on your website and social media can foster a sense of community and loyalty.

11. Implement Churn Management Strategies

Churn is one of the biggest obstacles to increasing CLTV. Reducing churn requires understanding why customers leave and taking proactive steps to retain them. Some strategies include:

  • Personalized Outreach: Send personalized emails to re-engage customers who haven’t purchased in a while or who may be about to cancel a subscription.
  • Exit Surveys/cancellation flows: Use exit surveys to gather feedback when customers unsubscribe or leave. Create more friction during the checkout process by reiterating the value prop of your products through founder videos or product features etc.
  • Flexible Subscription Options: Let customers pause or skip a subscription rather than cancel outright reducing the likelihood of churn

Reducing churn helps maintain long-term relationships, ultimately increasing your store’s CLTV.

How Loop Subscriptions Can Help Increase CLTV

One of the best ways to increase CLTV is by integrating a subscription model into your business, and Loop Subscriptions is a powerful tool to help you do just that. Subscriptions allow you to build predictable, recurring revenue, keeping customers engaged with your brand over a long period.

Loop Subscriptions makes it easy to offer products on a subscription basis, whether it's monthly deliveries of consumable goods like coffee, skincare, or vitamins. Customers appreciate the convenience of auto-renewals, while you benefit from consistent cash flow and stronger customer retention.

Loop also provides customizable subscription plans, enabling you to offer discounts for subscribers, giving them a reason to commit to recurring purchases. This not only increases the likelihood of a long-term relationship but also boosts overall CLTV. The platform also integrates with Shopify seamlessly, allowing you to manage subscriptions without added complexity.

Loop also offers a robust churn management system that helps reduce customer cancellations. It allows customers to pause, skip, or modify their subscriptions instead of canceling outright, giving them more flexibility. Loop also provides detailed analytics on churn trends, helping store owners identify at-risk customers and re-engage them with personalized offers or incentives, ultimately boosting CLTV.

Success story - Beam supplements successfully implements cancellation videos to reduce churn by 30 percent. 

Through his cancellation video, Beam Supplements Founder Mike suggested to his subscribers that if they already have enough quantity of one product, they could easily swap it with any other category. He also shared why a world-class subscriber experience matters to the BEAM brand. 

flow inside the customer portal when someone tries to cancel

Here is a snippet from the cancellation video

Additionally, Loop’s robust analytics features help you track subscriber behavior, making it easier to identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling, further increasing CLTV.

Summing up

Increasing Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) is essential for the long-term growth and profitability of your Shopify store. You can foster deeper customer relationships and encourage repeat purchases by implementing strategies like subscription plans, loyalty programs, personalized marketing, and exceptional customer service.

Incorporating Loop Subscriptions into your store adds an extra layer of predictability and customer retention, making it an invaluable tool for boosting CLTV. Start implementing these strategies today.

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Written by
Emma Johnson
Head of Marketing

Emma Johnson is celebrated for her strategic brilliance and innovative flair. By seamlessly blending creativity with data-driven insights, she has propelled Loop’s brand to new heights, establishing it as a formidable force in the Shopify Subscriptions space.